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We can start with the obvious - there is no definition of "worst" except to mean "least" or "lowest." That is, Arizona ranks 46th out of 50 states. One cannot possibly describe anything below the median (i.e., the 25th ranked state) as worse, nor any above as better, because it there is no meaning to the words "better" or "worse," unlike the words "highest" and "lowest." The point that always gets my goat (except that I've never had a goat) is that everyone seems to be clueless that there will always be a lowest ranked state. Or a 4th lowest. It is in the nature of the measurement. Suppose that the highest per pupil spending was $20,000 per year and that the lowest was $19,950. Would we really discern any meaningful difference, even though some state is ranked last? Of course not. What if the difference between the highest and lowest was $10,000? That is, the highest amount is $20,000 while the lowest is $10,000. Would that prove anything? No. Different places have different costs of living and this averaging out does nothing to illuminate that difference. And, it still doesn't prove that $10,000 is too low, yet that is invariably the interpretation given in these types of "studies." Perhaps it is the case that $20,000 is too high? Indeed, in the article, it is noted that Arizona ranks 27th in average SAT test scores. Given we are 46th in spending, it seems that our spending is generally quite effective.
This raises
another critical point here - there is no way to measure the value
to the consumer of public education. We can only measure
inputs (like spending and classroom size) and try to correlate them
to measures of output (like SAT scores and
Still, the point is made over and over again that in a ranking of 50 states (or any other number of political units), there is something wrong/bad/inefficient about being at the lower end of the ranking even though there must always be a lower end. I guess you could say this was just a special case of the Lake Woebegon syndrome. I am reminded of John Kenneth Galbraith's description of a squirrel running on his wheel as a suitable model for some economic behavior. I don't agree with how he used it, for something he called the "dependence effect," but it certainly seems appropriate when it comes to the drumbeat for government action to keep us from being ranked low on the scale of ____ (fill in the blank). |
Trump continues to poll at around 25%. Carson and Fiorina are almost at 20% between the two and I expect that to continue rising. This leaves all of the "political" candidates scrambling for a share of what remains. With many local favorites, this makes it very hard for anyone to even crack the 10% mark. Everyone seems to agree that the main group of these contenders would include Bush, Walker, Cruz and Rubio. Barring some terrible blunder it is hard to see how any of these candidates can catch fire and bounce to the top of the charts. If it was just between the four of them, then I would predict a long and exciting primary season. But, I am quite sure that none of them really wants Trump to be the eventual nominee. So, as we get closer to primary time, it is going to be decision time for these candidates - do they wage war on Trump (which so far hasn't been successful) or do they drop out and support another candidate? I can't see any of the politicos eager to support one of their own, both because it goes against the grain of their being and because that candidate would still probably fall short of being viable against Trump. But, if they turned their support to Carson, that would change everything. Trump can't bad-mouth Carson the way he does Bush, et al. And as long as Carson looks viable, he can easily drain away supporters from Trump. The first step has to come from Bush. As of now, he looks to be repeating John Connolly's performance in the 1980 election - raising boatloads of money and having little/nothing to show for it. If Bush can't beat Trump, and I think he'll come to that decision eventually (after all, he can't outspend him!), he can step down and swing his support to Carson. Perhaps, in return, Carson will accept Bush as the VP candidate, giving Jeb a strong voice in a Carson Administration. The other candidates will then have to weigh their option to keep fighting a losing battle or to join this bandwagon. Those who do so earlier will likely negotiate better quid pro quos than those that come aboard later. Some may hold out because they are content with their current status as governor (Walker and Kasich; maybe Jindal) or as senator (Rubio and Paul). I think Cruz will stay in for the long haul as will Christie, although if the latter is tired of being the governor of New Jersey, he might try to parlay his support into a cabinet seat. All the other "semi-serious" candidates ("the 1%ers" as I like to call them - insert smiley face here) - Huckabee, Santorum, Perry, Pataki - are unlikely to have any relevance no matter what they decide to do. That leaves only Fiorina. She will be a huge asset on the campaign trail next fall, as a foil against Hillary. I think she should stay in the race to the end even if she is just polling in the low double digits. And, I'm sure a place can be found for her in a Carson Administration as well. |
I penned a letter in response and submitted it via the web four days after the editorial ran. I thought that since this was a topical issue that my letter would run relatively quickly. But, days passes by and then weeks. Not seeing anything show up by this past Friday (Dec. 4th), I sent a note to the editor about it. He said he didn't see it and so he placed it at the front of the queue. It ran in today's paper and appears below. This is not the first time that one of my letters has disappeared. Should I suspect a conspiracy? I don't know. But, the Sunday edition after I sent my letter was full of all liberal nonsense letters with no balance whatsoever.
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