10, 2005
gets in your eyes
The Flagstaff City Council recently extended the "no
smoking" ban to areas outside of bars. The argument about
the "health and safety" of the public would seem especially
suspect given that we are about to have more controlled burning in the
national forest. If smoking outdoors is unsafe to non-smokers,
how can we possibly justify these prescribed fires? And, during
the winter, there is often a haze of smoke from wood burning
stoves. Will the city next ban these? Even worse, I
suppose, is that they will offer a tax rebate to get rid of your
current stove!
10, 2005
Grass for Cash
- How can the Flagstaff politicians possibly justify the rebate program
for homeowners that tear up their grass? Since maintaining a
grass yard is not cheap, this program smacks of a transfer from
less-wealthy residents to more-wealthy residents.
August 11, 2005
The nanny
state -
Item: Man gets workman's comp even though, at the time of his
accident, he failed a drug test. The legal ruling seems sound -
the law is what it is. But, this is a great example of the
"moral hazard" problem - if people are not held responsible
for their bad behavior, then their bad behavior is encouraged.
And, that means it will cost more to the rest of us. It
illustrates one big problem with government - regulations designed to
protect the innocent can hurt us all.
August 11, 2005
No left
turns? -
The Daily Sun had a couple of interesting articles on traffic
conditions in Flagstaff, and a good editorial today. It seems
odd that the rule is that you can't use the center lane to wait and
merge to the right. Consequently, it is "lawful" to
make a right-hand turn, get into the center lane, wait, and make a
U-turn. That increased complexity would seem to come with an
increased probability of an accident. One may argue that merging
from the left is not acceptable, but there are plenty of
exceptions. Consider the I-40, eastbound, merge onto I-17,
northbound; not only do you merge from the left, you do so after being
obscured from regular traffic while in that tunnel!
August 11, 2005
See Dick Run?
- There is some buzz
about Dick
Cheney running for president.
So claims Bob Woodward (of Watergate fame) at a talk in Aspen,
Colorado. I can't imagine it. Although he'd make a fine
president, our presidential choices are usually about the lesser of
two evils, not the better of two angels. Still, I can imagine
Cheney offering to serve as the Vice President for the next GOP
standard bearer. The notion that you can offer substantive
continuity through the Vice President's office sounds like an
oxymoron, but you never know.
August 12, 2005
Grass for
Cash II -
The "grass for cash" issue,
again. Today's
Daily Sun
editorial supports the general idea, but notes the loophole that a
homeowner could just let their yard be taken over by weeds. On
the local news blurb on KWMX,
my favorite station, it was mentioned that only the first 50 takers
would get the rebate. [I think it was 50, but I may not be
remembering it correctly; anyway, it was not that many.] Still,
it is just an example of government failure. Here, the prime
culprit is water pricing. If water was priced competitively,
then it wouldn't matter how people use it - they figure out for
themselves whether it is worth the expense. You may be rich and
decide you don't want a grass lawn, or you may be poor, but want your
own small plot of the green stuff. That's how it works.
The notion that it is cheaper to pay people to rip up their grass than
it is to drill another well is absurd. Why not just outlaw grass
altogether? Wouldn't that be even cheaper? Well, yes,
according to the logic of the Daily Sun.
But, here is another question - isn't
replacing a grassy lawn with rocks (or, even with weeds) likely to
contribute to global warming? Isn't the grass helping to extract
CO2 from the air, partially offsetting our emissions? And, if we
are pulling water from underground, it wasn't really doing anything
there. Perhaps the headline in the paper should read,
"Flagstaff Promotes Global Warming."
August 15, 2005
No left
turns? Take II -
There continues to
be some confusion about using the center lane to merge right into
traffic, after having turned into that lane from a side street.
One recent letter to the editor in the Daily Sun quoted from the
prevailing regulations. I had thought such a maneuver was
perfectly legal, and I recall looking up information on this point
about five years ago. So, I revisited the Arizona
Driver License Manual and, on page 40 is the description of using
the "Two-Way Left Turn Lane." While one statement here
seems clear - "This lane
is only for use of vehicles turning left in either direction,"
the very next sentence states, "This
lane provides a safe area to slow before a left turn off of the
street, or to speed up after a left turn onto a street."
Well, therein lies the conundrum. While it appears that the lane
can only be used for left turns, speeding up after having turned into
this lane can only be for the purpose of merging right. The
manual is how the state interprets the relevant statutes, so I think
it is fair to conclude that the center lane can be used this
(8/23) - While the Driver License Manual states that it is "not a
proper legal authority and should not be relied upon in a court of
law" (p. 24), the actual statute (ARS28-751-4b)
states: "A driver shall not drive a vehicle in the lane except if preparing for or making a left turn
from or into the roadway or if preparing for or making a u-turn if otherwise permitted by
law" (emphasis mine). It is crystal clear to me that
one may use this center lane when you are turning into the roadway,
i.e., turning left from an intersecting road (or a driveway, et
al.). The Driver's Manual quote from above ("This lane
is only for use of vehicles turning left in either direction.")
is not a statement in the statute cited. What the statute (4a)
does state is that you can't turn left from some other lane, when the
center lane is present. Now, we will likely all agree that is
sensible, even though I observe many vehicles failing to do this when
I am on Butler, heading west past the interstate, and a driver wants
to turn left into the Mobil station. This is especially true
when the vehicle is a truck hauling a trailer or a boat.
The purpose of the statute would seem to be
related to part 4a - clarifying the requirement that you can't turn
left from other than the center lane, when it is provided. A
related purpose, it seems to me, is to note that this lane cannot be
used for driving and/or passing traffic; it is only to be used for
turning and merging.
It may be that the statute could be more
explicit, but I cannot fathom how anyone can, upon study, conclude
that the center lane cannot be used for a merge to the right, after
making a left hand turn onto the roadway. Otherwise, the statute
would have omitted the "into" phrase. Update
(8/31) - Today's
Daily Sun has a front page story recanting its earlier interpretation
of the center lane. Some lawyers for the city wrote to say that
it can be used to merge right, and that the statute is clear about
this. The problem is that the misrepresentation of this rule had
gone on for so long that many (including those in law enforcement)
just took for granted the notion that the lane couldn't be used to
merge right. Monday,
August 15, 2005
please -
Arizona voters
approved a measure to require identification when voting. Why is
anyone against that? How can anyone back a system so open to
fraud and abuse . . . unless they want to engage in that kind of fraud
and abuse? Is there some kind of civil liberties issue
here? Absolutely not. As much as I lean libertarian, I
can't imagine supporting a voting scheme that is not fair and
honest. If you don't want to vote, fine. If you do want to
vote, bring your ID. I looked up some info - Arizona has about 2.7
million registered voters as of April, 2005, yet as of July 1,
2005, there were 3.9
million driver licenses issued. Add to that the number of
state IDs issued and you must wonder who it is that doesn't have
sufficient photo ID for voting. We already have restrictions in
place for voting - after all, you do have to register beforehand and
you can't register late. Adding to this the ID requirement is
not onerous, and, in fact, helps to insure the integrity of the
August 15, 2005
jurors pros -
Last night, on
MSNBC's Live and Direct,
Rita Cosby talked with some disgruntled jurors from the Michael
Jackson trial. I am not especially interested in their specific
complaints, but it called to my mind a notion I have kicked around for
some time - make juries semi-professional. That is, create a
test that anyone, who would like to serve on a jury, can take.
It would be based on knowledge of how the law functions . . . like
what "preponderance of evidence" means, how courtrooms
function, what roles attorneys, witnesses, judges and jurors play in
all this, etc. The idea is to get a jury that actually
understands what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what
boundaries they face. Add to this an all-volunteer nature to
jury selection and I think you'd have a much better system. We
can probably speed up trials, cut down on the jury impaneling process,
limit the number of challenges made, and pay jurors more. [Well,
if it is all-volunteer, a wage sufficient to attract enough jurors
will be have to be offered.]
August 16, 2005
and smoking -
KFC and Pizza Hut announced
that their restaurants will bar smoking. It illustrates the
power of the marketplace, and why we should defer to it, rather than
use the power of government to force the issue. In fact, it
seems rather absurd to have a vote, as was done in Flagstaff some
years ago. If most people want smoking banned in restaurants,
owners will respond. It is profitable to give consumers what
they want. That is what is happening here. Wouldn't it
have been better to leave the government out of this case? Let
government be used as it is intended to be used, not as a club to cow
others into submitting to the will of a majority.
August 16, 2005
Cash for
slash - According
to the local news last night, the city is offering subsidies to
property owners who thin their trees. I have searched through
the city's web site and haven't found any details, but I can't help
but wonder if George Nackard acted too soon on his property! I
recall that his fine was related to the number of trees cut down, and
that the city is demanding that he replace the trees that were cut,
one for one. Perhaps, later, he can apply for funds to cut some
of these new trees down?
August 17, 2005
with gas? -
Everyone knows that the price of gas is going up. But, how high
is it really? Most people would say that it is higher than it's
ever been. That is both true and false. It is true, in
that the "nominal
price" is higher than ever (about $2.55/gallon today); during
the bad old days of the early 1980s the price of gas was lower; it
averaged about $1.35 a gallon in 1981. But, $1.35 buys a lot
more in 1981 than it does now, because of inflation. If we
adjust for the effects of inflation, and restate gas prices in
"real terms" we get a different answer. Measured in
2003 dollars, the price of gasoline, back in 1981, was $2.79 per
gallon. That is still about 10% higher than the prices we see
today, and that was the annual average price. I put together a
chart showing these real values from 1976 to 2003. If prices
were closer to their historical average (over the last 25 years), they
would be closer to $1.50 a gallon.
(9/03/2005) - Events
have overtaken the analysis above. The price of gasoline has climbed
over $3 a gallon in Flagstaff, and, perhaps, everywhere else in Arizona.
So, now, the price is at its highest in at least 30 years. Will it
persist? Alas, my chart can still be useful for answering this
question. Since I haven't heard any credible news that some structural
change is behind this price spike, I cannot imagine that it will
persist. As long as the private sector is able to exploit existing oil
fields, and drill in new ones, and as long as our refining capacity is
restored and, heaven forbid (!) actually grows, this is likely to be a
temporary situation. The high price in the late 1970s/early 1980s
persisted for a couple of years. When the bottom fell out, it fell big
time, and persisted for some time.
August 18, 2005
Iraq-naphobia? -
What does "anti-war" mean? Does it really mean that
someone, wholly and completely, opposes the participation in any
war? If it does, it is absurd and meaningless. War is a
tool; it can be used for good or for ill. To oppose all wars is
to ignore the consequences of giving up. Would we have been
better off having refused to fight the Nazis and the Imperialist
Japanese in World War II? Is there anyone in the current
anti-war movement that holds that position? If not, then we are
back to my point - war is a tool. It isn't a preferred tool
insofar as dealing with conflict, but it is a tool nonetheless.
We may argue about strategy, and we certainly will make mistakes along
the way, but it is important to keep our eyes on the bigger
picture. I rather like the idea that radical Islamists made a
huge mistake in attacking the U.S. I am sure that, if they could
do it all over again, they wouldn't. They'd probably wait until
we had another Democrat for president and assume we wouldn't offer any
meaningful response. President Bush, to his credit, has made a
bold push to ensure the long-run sustainability of peace, not only for
us, but also for the godforsaken people that live under the oppression
of tyranny.
August 19, 2005
burned in Hawaii -
An interesting story from the AP ran in the Daily
Sun today about gas prices topping $3/gallon on Maui. I find
it hard to believe that prices (even in nominal
terms) haven't been this high before. I spent most of thirteen
years living in Hawaii, from 1977 to 1990. One of the first
things I remember, when I moved there, was that the price of gas was
quite cheap. Then, I found out that the prices I saw posted up
at the gas stations, were in liters, not gallons. It takes 3.8
liters to make one gallon. So, a price of about 78 cents per
liter would get you to $3/gallon. I suspect that prices, around
1982, may have actually been that high, but I don't have any
What is more interesting in this story is
that Hawaii is about to embark on an exercise in regulating gas
prices. Politicians believe that Hawaiian consumers are paying
unfair premiums for gas and have passed a law,
set to begin on September 1, that regulates the wholesale price of
gas. Read some of the details here
and here.
About all this shows is the truth to the adage that "the only
thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from
history." The hullabaloo started when gas prices were
running at about $1.80/gallon. Today, prices are much higher
everywhere, and, in fact, prices in Hawaii are lower than they are in
If the law "works" we should see
gas shortages, long lines, and even black
markets popping up. It amazes me that people think that
prices are so arbitrary (like political power!) that, with the stroke
of a pen, they can undo them. Markets may appear chaotic, but,
in fact, they are quite orderly. Prices are an underlying
reflection of a whole host of factors, from our desires to travel on
vacation to the existence of refineries in Texas. Any volatility
in price is a consequence of volatility in these underlying
factors. Except, that politics intrude, creating volatility on
its own - e.g., regulating summer and winter blends, mandating ethanol
content, and, in Hawaii, controlling prices.
At the same time, comments are being made
that, with these higher prices, we will have to use government to
force us to conserve on gas. Suggestions range from mandating
higher fuel efficiency for new cars, to subsidizing hybrids and
spending tax money on alternative fuels. Is it just really dark
in here, or what? When the price goes up, it is a signal to
conserve. If we (producers and consumers) ignore that signal,
guess what happens? Prices go up even more! It is the
nature of supply and demand.
August 19, 2005
peeves - There
is one thing I really hate about how the weather is reported on the
radio. When the announcer is going through the expected highs
for the day, invariably they will mention the temperature first and
the city/place second. As in, "75 in Flagstaff, 83 in
Sedona, 79 in Camp Verde..." The problem I have is that the numbers don't mean anything to me; the
place does. So, I am half-listening for
"Flagstaff." Of course, then I don't know what the
number was - I don't have a rewind in my head that allows me to back
up and fetch this data. Instead, this information should be
conveyed as place first, number second - "Flagstaff - 75, Sedona
- 83, Camp Verde - 79..." On TV it doesn't really matter
how they say it, since you can see it on the screen. But, on the
radio, it is just irritating.
August 20, 2005
homes on the range -
There has been a flurry of letters to the editor of the Daily
Sun about the propriety, or not, of people buying second homes in
Flagstaff. On the left you have the usual suspects, and, as
isn't always the case, a few rebuttals from the right. While the
socialist view is that it is all about greed, of course it
isn't. At least, no more so than everything we do in the normal
course of our lives. If you define as greed, any consumption
above absolute self-sufficiency, then all of us are greedy. It
is a dead-end argument.
What this is really all about is
lifestyles. Nothing more and nothing less. Some people
choose to carve out a lifestyle that includes a second home in
Flagstaff, which they may, or may not, use with some frequency.
I met two women last week at Lowell
Observatory who live in Flagstaff just during the summer. I
guess that makes them part of this despised group that own second
homes in town. They live in Phoenix during the winter, and who
can really blame them for not wanting to live there in the
summer! Anyway, they seemed quite pleasant and they were
interested in doing things around town - participating in the
community as best they could.
I do not begrudge anyone this lifestyle - if
they can afford it, more power to them. In the marketplace, you
manifest your tastes and preferences (your lifestyle choices) by
bidding on resources. If you can't get everything you want -
and, besides Bill Gates, who can? - you make tradeoffs. You
decide what you really want and what you can do without. Many of
us that live here (myself included) make a tradeoff in terms of income
- we give up better paying jobs elsewhere for the lifestyle that
Flagstaff affords us. That makes us greedy too. In a
perfect socialist world (yes, I know that is an oxymoron), the state
would ship you off to wherever it is that you would earn the highest
income, since that represents the best "social" use of your
labor. And, that means most of us would end up living and
working in Phoenix, or Los Angeles, or elsewhere. And, only
party officials would live in Flagstaff, but probably only for half of
the year.
August 21, 2005
please - take II -
The Daily Sun's editorial today
bemoans the ID requirements being imposed on
voters. I sympathize with some of their arguments to keep the
system simple. But, their notion that driver's licenses are too
easily faked is a red herring. I presume that fake IDs are acquired
for drinking purposes not for voting purposes, making that the bigger
concern. So, let's make it simple - you must have a valid
driver's license or a state ID. End of story. And, perhaps
. . . we could actually allow private firms (Staples, UPS Store,
Wal-Mart) to issue state IDs to more easily facilitate their
acquisition (bringing assorted proof of who you are and leaving behind
a set of fingerprints).
With regard to convenience factors, I do like
having a mail-in ballot. But, if I came to believe that the
system was being abused, then I would rather go to a polling place
(which is not necessarily free of fraud).
It seems that e-voting can be more secure than mail-in voting, as ID
verification can easily be part of the log-in process. Some
August 23, 2005
9- II
- The National Geographic Channel (which still does not show up on the
Daily Sun's TV listings!) ran a fascinating two-part series called Inside
9-11 this past Sunday and Monday, to be repeated in the weeks to
come. It details not only the events of that tragic day, but
gives a good accounting of the backstory leading up to 9-11.
There were so many people that died that we can't possibly learn all
of their stories. However, the stories of the victims and heroes
that were highlighted in this documentary were compelling. One
thought that struck me was the Cindy Sheehan really should be at the
door of Bill Clinton to ask why her son had to die in Iraq, not at the
door of George Bush. Clinton's refusal to take action, after
repeated provocation, is exactly the mindset that Bush has rejected in
his determination to fight back against those that would harm us as
well as those that support them. As an aside, Steve
Emerson ,who was prominently featured in the early segments of
this series, spoke at NAU this past spring.
August 23, 2005
- NAU professor Cathy Small has been identified as the true author of
Freshman Year," a research project where she pretended to be
a freshman student, living in a dorm and enrolling in classes.
The purpose? Well, there is a good question. I can't
really imagine a real research purpose here. If it was just some
cheap trick to write a popular book, like "Nickel
and Dimed" that would be one thing. But, the notion
that this is research goes beyond the pale. As a professor, we
know, with certainty, that Small was, as one time, a freshman!
So, can't you just sit down and think about what life was like
then? I can. I remember missing classes, going to parties
and cramming for exams. I remember the financial stress and life
in the dorms. It isn't that hard. And, the idea that you
must go back to school to learn what students go through ignores the
fact that you can just ask them! Indeed, it appears that she got
some of her best material from students that knew she was an
"undercover" professor doing research.
August 24, 2005
are people, too
- Despite the exhortation of today's editorial in the Daily Sun to
make "My
Freshman Year," required reading on the mountain campus, I
have yet to read anything about it that seems new to me, much less
insightful. As I noted previously, all
university professors were once freshmen, myself included.
Studying mountain lions in northern Arizona, or wildebeests on the
African savannas would seem to call for some time spent up close and
personal. But, freshmen are humans. When dealing with
humans, we have the advantage that we can actually talk to them!
Now, this may not be practical when dealing with a group that is
totally alien to your own - like studying the inner workings of drug
dealing gangs. But, freshmen are people we (faculty) deal
with every day, and, while there is a great deal of variability in
their academic, social and ethnic backgrounds, we still came from the
same group.
Over the years, I have grumbled (with others)
about how our students are different than students I went to school
with. There are two reasons why that is wrong . . .
1) Generally, we (faculty) went to better
schools than NAU; so we associated with a different sub-set of
students - ones that were better prepared at the least. Having
taught at the community college, I can readily see this sliding scale
of student abilities. [Some CC students are excellent, and
better than my best university students. But, the variability at
the CC is huge and a lot of students have very poor skills and seem
ill-suited for college.]
2) We suffer from the 80/20
rule at work here - 80% of our students are not a problem; they
work reasonably hard and try their best. The remaining 20% are
problems and their poor work, lousy skills, and disruptive classroom
behavior take up 80% of our time, energy and effort.
Consequently, our perception of students gets easily colored by the
"bad apples."
August 25, 2005
- stop!
- As is usually the case, a dramatic shift in events must occur before
change is possible. One may, fairly, argue that it is best to
follow the adage of "don't fix it unless it's broken."
For example, the attack on 9-11 caused us to change our attitude
towards terrorists; rising home prices causes the city council to open
up land for denser development; rising gas prices provides the spur to
drilling in ANWR. It is the
nature of the beast, even if all those changes were perfectly
reasonable before the catalyst began.
So it is with school buses, featured in
today's Daily Sun. The
Flagstaff Unified School District racks up 1.9 million miles a year in
travel, for which the state pays the district about $4 million.
Now that gas prices are rising, there is concern about how to keep
this system afloat. Perhaps it is a good time to think about how
the system can be changed.
Clearly, the school system should have
centralized schools and use buses because the state is willing to pay
for this transportation. If we don't use these funds for buses,
we won't get these funds. If we did just get the money, it is
unlikely that we would decide to use it in such a wasteful manner.
How can we change the system to achieve
systemic improvements? Here are two suggestions, a good one and a
better one:
(i) Charge parents for using the school bus
as a mode of transport for their children. That I must
contribute, as a taxpayer, to the education of children (regardless of
whether I have any or not) is one thing; to require me to help pay for
their transportation to school is untenable. If we,
additionally, allow for competition in this field, I suspect that we
will see bus-to-school services being offered by a variety of firms
with a variety of vehicle types at a variety of prices.
(ii) Eliminate centralization of
schools. The re-emergence of local schools would not only have
positive benefits on student learning, student behavior and parental
supervision, but it would eliminate the need for an expensive
transport system that doesn't contribute directly to education.
As a school child (in Denver, Colorado), I
almost always walked to school throughout my K-12 years. The
only time I rode a bus was in high school and that was on the city bus
for which I had to pay. Given that I lived in a family of three
kids and a single, working, mom, that option was exercised only
rarely. I cannot ever recall being on a school bus except for
field trips. For that purpose, the expense of school buses
really would be educational.
August 26, 2005
of Fire - Michael
Yon has been posting truly amazing blogs from the front lines in
Iraq. He is an independent, self-financed journalist out to
provide a narrative of the "monumentally important events in the efforts to stabilize Iraq."
If you haven't read his dispatches, do so and learn something about
the men and women fighting for us and for freedom and stability in
Iraq. Here is brief passage from his Gates
of Fire posting:
was a quick and heavy volume of fire. And then LTC (Erik)
Kurilla was shot.
wrong with you!?" I yelled above the shooting.
"I'm hit three times! I'm shot three times!"
Amazingly, he was right. One bullet smashed through his femur,
snapping his leg. His other leg was hit and so was an arm.
With his leg mangled, Kurilla pointed and fired his rifle into
the doorway, yelling instructions to the soldiers about how to
get in there. But they were not attacking. This was not the
Deuce Four I know. The other Deuce Four soldiers would have
killed every man in that room in about five seconds. But these
two soldiers didn't have the combat experience to grasp the
power of momentum.
. .
then help arrived in the form of one man: CSM (Robert)
man came forward, trying to shoot Kurilla with a pistol,
apparently realizing his only escape was by fighting his way
out, or dying in the process. Kurilla was aiming at the
doorway waiting for him to come out. Had Prosser not come at
that precise moment, who knows what the outcome might have
Prosser shot the man at least four times with his M4 rifle.
But the American M4 rifles are weak--after Prosser landed
three nearly point blank shots in the man's abdomen . . . the
man just staggered back, regrouped and tried to shoot Prosser.
Prosser's M4 went "black" (no more bullets). A
shooter inside was also having problems with his pistol, but
there was no time to reload. Prosser threw down his empty M4,
ran into the shop and tackled the man. |
August 27, 2005
Canyon's Bass Trail - Visitors Discouraged -
It has been some time since I have been to the South Bass
trailhead. From what I hear, it may quite some time before I
decide to revisit that area, despite its awesome beauty and
allure. After all, choosing where to go trek about in the Grand
Canyon is like picking a selection from a dessert cart that is loaded
with appetizing treats! And, why pick one that costs you an
extra twenty bucks?
Yes, that's right. Even though you have
entered into the park (and paid your fees, or presented your pass),
you must pay again to get to this trailhead. The reason?
Well, the road (which has been around many, many years), doglegs its
way through a corner
of the Havasupai Indian reservation. It didn't always do this -
before the reservation was expanded in the 1970s, the road was
in the Kaibab National Forest or in the Grand Canyon National Park.
For years, I have seen this route become
increasingly difficult to use. A grate has given way to a fence and
gate and the erratic attempts by some Havasupais to close this road
has given way to a modern day extortion scheme - twenty bucks a
vehicle (although one may try to haggle). It is only by
historical accident that you must follow this road some three to four
miles through Havasupai lands in order to, once again, reach the park
boundary. I would write that it is highway robbery, but this
road is hardly a highway - it is a dirt road, rocky in places, rutted
and, during the winter, all but impassable.
The park used to maintain a road into this
area that was
literally alongside the park boundary fence. But, that has been
closed for many years and the land designated as wilderness (yes, even
though the Kaibab National Forest is within spitting distance of the
road). A few years ago, I learned that park officials had been
interested in restoring a road that would cut off this dogleg, keeping
all traffic out of the reservation, but nothing has come of
that. If you think the park service should be concerned about
this issue, you can use their on-line form to send an e-mail,
or you can write a snail mail letter to the park superintendent:
F. Alston, Superintendent
Grand Canyon National Park
P.O. Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
In a 1976 land
use plan*, prepared in part by the Havasupai tribe, appears this
Public access to the Havasupai Traditional Use Area within the
adjacent Grand Canyon National Park will be available onto
those portions of it above the rim of the the Grand Canyon . .
. |
While this is a bit convoluted, I read this to mean that access to the
park, across these lands, cannot be restricted. Either the park
service should insist that this road be open to public use (without
charge), or it should follow through with the plan to skirt the
reservation with a road from Dodd
Tank to the old Pasture Wash Ranger Station. *
This link is one single html page and very long. There is a
table of contents, which will show you the topics covered.
Scroll down about 75% of the way to the end to find the section on
public access.
August 28, 2005
Liberal Nonsense -
The Daily Sun has a new slate of virtual board members up and running,
and it looks like Managing Editor Randy Wilson did another good job of
picking folks from across the political spectrum. One
participant in particular, Ms. Linda Magnelli, looks like she will be
producing comments that will be ripe fodder for my own
commentaries. A self-described "diehard liberal," she
has already shown that logic and sensibility are irrelevant to most
"liberal" arguments. One may also add in honesty here,
as well. Today's topic dealt with Iraq and whether President
Bush should set a troop withdrawal deadline. Let's shred
look at her arguments:
Bush has not articulated his decisions concerning Iraq
- Maybe in her world. In my world, Bush announced his
intentions, sought U.N. authority (and got it), sought Congressional
authority (and got it) and then acted on it. I don't see how he
could have been any clearer in this matter. 2)
The Iraqis didn't ask for our help
- Maybe not Saddam, nor Uday, nor Qusay, nor any other of their
murdering brotherhood of Ba'athists. But, plenty of Iraqis
wanted our help and appreciate it. Former Prime Minister (and
survivor of an assassination attempt by Saddam's henchmen) Allawi said
this to the U.S. Congress: "We Iraqis are grateful to you,
America, for your leadership and your sacrifice for our liberation and
our opportunity to start anew." I am sure that there are
many Kurds and Shi'ites happy for our help, although they may still
resent us for failing them in the past, when, at our encouragement,
they opposed Saddam and we did nothing. 3)
"We are in a dilemma far worse than Vietnam" - Aside from the fact that
it was a Democrat that got us into the Vietnamese War (Kennedy), and
that expanded that war (Johnson), and that it was a Republican that
extricated us from that war (Nixon), the analogy is incredibly
facile. Over 50,000 Americans died in that war. So, how
can Iraq be worse? Our opponents in Vietnam actually had a
country (North Vietnamese) and had the support of a major superpower
(the USSR). Additionally, the elected president of South Vietnam
was overthrown (with President Kennedy's acquiescence). Nothing
about Iraq is at all like Vietnam except that there is fighting and
there is dying. The whole "worse than Vietnam"
argument is nothing but an excuse for not being able to muster any
real reasons to oppose this ongoing fight. 3)
Bush cannot tell the truth - This is probably the same
old worn-out WMD argument. President Bush had multi-national intelligence
agencies telling him this; President Clinton said the same thing; even
Al Gore endorsed this conclusion (years earlier). You would
think a psychology major would know better.
August 30, 2005
Center Madness -
The Daily Sun is reporting that NAU will pursue the building of a
hotel and conference center complex on campus and that the city will
kick in some $2 million for the project. It also appears that
some private funding will be made, although I suspect most of the
money will come from the state. The obvious question here is: Why
should the city contribute anything?
What purpose does it serve to use taxpayers money for this
project? Of course, the typical argument from City Hall is that
this center will attract loads of visitors who will spend money in
town and generate more tax revenue that can be used for the benefit of
residents. There are at least two problems with this argument:
Why should the city be interested in raising tax revenue?
It is the primary purpose of government to establish, and enforce,
simple rules that allow us to live peacefully among one another.
There may be a role to play in the provision of certain "local
public goods" like roads and sewers (although water and trash
could be privatized). But, after that, government becomes the
target of special interests that want all residents (or visitors) to
pay for projects that benefit just a few, whether it be land for a
YMCA or public art along Route 66. 2)
Why isn't the City Council concerned with impacts from such a
project and demanding that NAU pay for infrastructure improvements,
like they require from private developers? If you want to
build housing in Flagstaff, the City Council treats you like a pariah
(well, except for Joe Haughey), and demands all manner of monetary and
in-kind kickbacks. Yet, the university entertains the idea of
this conference center and the city can't wait to throw money into the
project. If this center attracts a thousand participants to some
function, how will that affect traffic, parking, police services,
The city government should stick to crafting sensible rules that
protect private property interests and resist the temptation to meddle
in these kinds of development decisions.
August 31, 2005
Failure of Government -
The purpose of government is worth extended public discussion.
While the founding fathers crafted a federal republic, and detailed
what it could and could not do, it is up to every generation to
revisit these basics. All too often, we take the system for
granted. Lethargy is a far more potent force than we may want to
I favor a government that is as small and oblique
as possible. I want a government that achieves the basics and
leaves it to the rest of society to fill in the gaps. Should we
have parks? Public art? Mass transit? Water
restrictions? These are but a few of the host of issues that I
believe can be, and should be, addressed outside of government.
What government absolutely must do is enforce
and protect property rights. If it cannot do this, it has failed
and our society will disintegrate into chaos. If we cannot reap
the rewards of our own efforts, why put forth the effort to begin
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, one of
the dimensions we are seeing, especially in New Orleans, is
looting. This represents a failure of government. We have
no end of emergency preparedness agencies and organizations. Why
is it that they don't have a clue about the bigger picture of what
should be done here? The human tragedy is temporary, and, to a
great extent, it was avoidable (the city was, after all,
evacuated!). Even from Arizona, Red Cross teams have been
"dispatched" to aid in the humanitarian efforts in the wake
of Katrina. The private sector has the ability to respond to
events like this. I wouldn't necessarily give up the role played
by the government in facilitating the evacuation, or the rescue of
those stranded by the high waters, or the efforts to house and feed
those left behind. But, I would be willing to entertain a
discussion of whether the government should be involved, and to what
More critically, the failure to protect
private property is far more troubling. This problem is aggravated
because some people will stay behind to protect their property since
the state won't. So, the government fails on two counts. I
would think that a reasonable response to the impending hurricane
would have been to station National Guard troops in the
Superdome. And, while they certainly can, and should, be used
for relief efforts, a zero-tolerance, shoot first, policy of dealing
with looters must be a primary objective.
It is bad enough that the storm will have
caused so much damage. But, when individuals, or mobs, add to
that destruction, then they are the enemy. If the threat of
force is credible (i.e., shooting looters), then that will not be a
problem that adds to the misery of this circumstance.