As the deadline for compliance has neared, the owners of the power plant have decided that it makes more sense to just close it down for good. They may yet decided to install the necessary equipment and reopen in a couple of years, but the good money is on a permanent closure. And, what, exactly, will this accomplish? Nothing of course - well, nothing insofar as the visibility at Grand Canyon is concerned. Nothing insofar as providing cheap electricity is concerned. And, nothing insofar as providing excellent jobs in a place that desperately needs even modest jobs. We can all thank goodness that the elite snobs that help fund and propagate the Grand Canyon Trust, many of whom probably get some of their power from the Mohave station, can sleep better at night knowing that they have done humanity this vital service. Or, at least they can sleep well laboring under this delusion.
In the
Daily Sun, this past Tuesday's
editorial laments the economic disruption that is going to result from
this mini-Kyoto arrangement, but won't "point fingers" as it
"doesn't seem very
Photo: The sun sets behind the Peabody coal silo near Kayenta. The silo holds coal destined for the Navajo Generating Station in Page, AZ, and is located alongside U.S. 160. Photo taken by Eric Dhooge. Click on the picture to see a larger image. |
Another of our presenters was Steve Pritulsky, a vice president of Pulte Homes, Arizona's, and the nation's, largest home builder. Quite naturally, he focused his attention on the housing market and had some well-articulated comments about the situation in Flagstaff. He noted that it is difficult for Flagstaff to expand in that we are surrounded by land whose use is restricted (National Forests, National Monuments, wilderness lands, State Trust lands, et al.). Looking out across the attendees, which included the city's mayor and two, or three, city council members, city staff as well as county government representatives, Pritulsky argued that, to slow down the acceleration in housing prices, there was no substitute for increasing the supply. Requiring home builders to allocate a portion to "affordable" units is not going to "solve" this problem and, if anything, it is likely to exacerbate the situation. It would have been nice if the representatives of our city government had heard this message as loudly and clearly as I did. That very night, at the weekly City Council meeting, a final plat for a 46 unit Pine Canyon development was turned down, because it did not include unfettered public access on the privately-maintained roads in the complex. And, on Wednesday, the developer filed a $52 million lawsuit against the city, arguing that the access issue is separate from the final plat, and that it should be properly litigated in other venues. This dispute goes back two years, and the developers have ceded much during that time in order to get the city's approval. Clearly, our city government is full of people who really don't care about the cost of housing, but, instead, are more concerned with using the power of government to preserve their quality of life. While the old west may be a thing of the past, tin-plated despots continue to push their agendas, to the detriment of the health and well-being of the average citizen. |
To see many more photos and read about the trek that day, follow this link to Grand Canyon's Dripping Springs Trail. |
Chad Kirkpatrick and Tom Jenney, leaders of the AFT, are to be
commended for pushing their agenda of lower taxes and their unceasing
vigilance in pursuit of responsible government, as difficult a task as
that certainly is! They gave out awards to honor legislators
that strove to challenge the beast that is leviathan.
The two top honors went to state senator Dean Martin (the Desert Tiger
Award) and state senator Ron Gould (the Barry M. Goldwater Legislative
Leadership Award). Martin won for sponsoring a bill to reduce
business property taxes from 25% to 20% - sometimes victories are won
in mighty small increments! Gould won for having the best score
on the AFT's 21st Annual Legislative Scorecard, with a total of
89%. Our own District 2 legislators scored in the 20%-29%
category (Big Government Friend), even below the score given to
Governor Napolitano! The lowest scoring legislator, Kyrsten
Sinema, got only 14% and was awarded the V. I. Lenin Award -
graciously, she attended the luncheon to accept this dubious
honor. Maybe that means she The keynote speaker for the luncheon was Senator John Kyl (pictured to the right). He talked about the "inside baseball" aspects of some of his initiatives to reduce government spending and taxes. He related that, to end the death/inheritance tax, he needs 60 votes. He told us that he had 62 for a bill that would have eliminated much of this tax, but that was just before Hurricane Katrina hit, and many of these supporters now have cold feet. Kyl hopes to revisit this issue in the spring and hopes that he will be able to, once again, fashion a 60-vote majority and get that tax reduced. He needs 60 votes because it involves changing the law. However, to temporarily suspend this tax, only 51 votes are needed. Currently, this tax is being phased out and will be eliminated by 2010. But, in 2011 it will be fully restored unless it can be, once again, temporarily suspended, or permanently changed. That process, he argued, is why President Bush has been working hard to "make the tax cuts permanent." Otherwise, we find that these advances will dissipate over time. |
The most egregious example of the latter point is the behavior of some Republican Senators in the "oil hearings" this week - Grassley (IA) urges oil companies to donate a portion of their profits to the poor, Gregg (NH) proposes a windfall profits tax on oil, and Frist (TN) says oil companies need to explain their profits. Others have been making equally inane comments, that must be pure politics, since it represents a complete repudiation of principles that I associate with the Republican party. How Markets Work. Oil is a product for which the demand is rather unresponsive, in the short run, to price changes. Anyone who has ever considered this issue knows that. It is more like the demand for insulin than it is the demand for apples. That is, when the price of oil goes up, people cut back some, but not a lot - conversely, when the price of apples go up, people buy bananas and oranges and pears, cutting back quite a bit on their purchases of apples. So, the hurricanes wrecked some infrastructure, which makes it difficult to get oil through the pipeline and to refineries and to service stations to sell as gas. Consequently, the price rises. Well, that's exactly what we want to have happen (see, also, No Shortage of Fuelish Politicians). We need to reallocate these supplies, so the price goes up to insure that oil/gas flows to it highest valued use. Why the "Windfall Profits Tax" is a Misnomer. Our standards of living grow over time only because of investment spending. Investment represents a deferral of consumption and is funded by saving. Households don't save. Businesses save. Virtually every penny of investment comes from business saving. You probably call it profit. Many seem to think it is evil. The headline in the Arizona Republic on 11/9/2005 reads "High profits draw scrutiny." Tax them away? Sure, and that means less investment, less growth, sliding standards of living. Yes, that is exactly what anticapitalists want, but that doesn't mean we should help them! What Cartel Lessons can we Learn? A cartel arises when dominant firms in an industry get together and act like a single seller (i.e., a monopoly). To be successful in raising their profits, they must reduce production. The hurricanes illustrate this outcome very well. It - Katrina - forced a lower supply on the industry, and prices and profits went up, just as if they were a cartel. Of course, it shows us that this industry is not a cartel, otherwise they would have done this earlier, and they wouldn't allow the price to fall now. Even with OPEC striving to make this industry a cartel, they have not succeeded - there is still too much competition to keep the players in line. Now, if only the cowardly Republicans in the House would revisit the ANWR decision, we might see even further evidence of this competition at work, to the benefit of us all. Defending Liberty. It should be the basic right of every person to use and develop their private property without the intervention of the state, as long as transactions are voluntary and one's actions doesn't harm the property rights of another. That is the basis for liberty. Yet, there seems to be a widespread willingness to penalize this behavior in the criticism of the profits being earned by oil companies. That is unfair and it is untenable. Complain and grumble all you want about the high price of gas, but using the power of government to thwart capitalistic impulses that generate short-term gains will do much more long-term harm than should be accepted. [By the way, how come there isn't a outcry against these short-term policies, and an appeal to take the longer-term view?] |
"Enjoy!" from Jackalope is on a topic near and dear to my heart - the problems with mass transit. They are almost too numerous to list. Clump them all together and file under: frustrating and exasperating; at times even horrifying. His excellent deconstruction of the "ideal" ride on the Phoenix light rail system (still a few years away), as written up in the Arizona Republic, is bound to have staying power in the annals of transit critiques. I did a blog back in September on the general topic, as applied to our nearby "crown jewel" in Grand Canyon: Access Challenged. "Who is Lying about Iraq?" by Norman Podhoretz, courtesy of Commentary Magazine, has been getting a lot of coverage in the sector of the blogosphere that I visit. On Veteran's Day, President Bush decried the war critics for rewriting history. If you didn't know what he was talking about, read Podhoretz's essay. You'll get the full skinny on how these critics (e.g., Senators Rockefeller, Levin, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, et al.) sang a different tune just a few years ago. Quite frankly, I don't understand the Dems here. I would think that they would be better off standing shoulder to shoulder with Bush, insofar as Iraq goes, and make the war a non-issue. Sure, they have radical elements in their base that will go ballistic over this, but so what? These folks don't really have a viable alternative, even if Ralph Nader does run again. I blogged about the dishonesty of some of these war critics earlier in Deconstructing Liberal Nonsense. "Republicans vs. Oil" by Jerry Taylor at National Review Online, does a great job of taking to task the Republicans in the Senate that have been critical of oil companies as of late. Taylor does a fine job bringing in many facts and details to enhance his argument. His characterization of the Republican party going into an "intellectual meltdown" echoes many of the comments I made in Republicans Running on Empty. "Cosby was Correct" by Tyler Cowden at Marginal Revolution, does a little digging and finds that Bill Cosby's remark about black parents buying $500 sneakers for their kids was far closer to the mark than you might have thought! The politically correct among us would have us believe otherwise. |
The movie opens with many vignettes about closing businesses and soon-to-be out-of-work employees that are either hunters, conservatives, Republicans, or all three. The intention here is to show that Wal-Mart must be bad if Republicans can bad-mouth them! I am not sure that this fine point played well with the Flagstaff audience - social activists and left-over hippies. I am sure that they felt quite conflicted about cheering on an opponent of Wal-Mart who drove around in a pick-up truck with a Bush sticker on the bumper! [I'll bet that the crowd was equally conflicted when the film compared, favorably, the charitable giving of Bill Gates with that of the miserly Walton family!] The Ken Burns-ian touch of a mournful harmonica as a backdrop to the story of an IGA store closing down plays as just plain sappy without a poignant storyline. So what if an IGA store closes down? That is the nature of competition. And, by the way, IGA is a huge company, with over 4,000 stores generating some $20 billion in annual sales all around the world - including in China! That is especially ironic, since the filmmakers strove to cast Wal-Mart's association with Chinese producers as some kind of evil partnership - if so, then why should the viewer care if an IGA store closes down? The movie is amazing for its weak content. Much of the film "bashes" Wal-Mart for relentlessly grinding down costs. Of course, that allows it to offer lower prices and is (part of) the key to their success. Consumers like low prices, and this movie doesn't conduct a meaningful interview with any consumer. I don't shop at Wal-Mart very often. One reason is that it is usually quite crowded and the parking is tight, which means that many consumers like to shop there. And, my spouse prefers to shop at Target, although she does go to Wal-Mart to buy ammunition for her many guns, but that's another story. Still, when I do go into my local Wal-Mart I notice a high proportion of Native Americans - mostly Navajos and Hopis. Why is that? To me, it makes perfect sense - as the poorest ethnic group in the country, Native Americans are likely to look quite closely for ways to stretch their incomes*. I have seen data from the Hopi reservation that show most residents make major shopping trips to Flagstaff. By shopping at Wal-Mart they not only take advantage of lower prices, but also get access to a wide variety of products, lessening the time they must devote to additional travel around town. The opponents of Wal-Mart (e.g., FAN and FFF) would use the power of the government to keep this retailer out of town, and, they hope, out of the region. They still pine for that outcome. Since this would mostly hurt lower-income consumers, that makes these opponents snobs, at best, and elitists, at worst. Since this would also adversely affect Native American consumers, there are unmistakable overtones of some sort of "soft racism" here as well. I wouldn't go so far as to claim that these activists are racist in the fashion of the KKK, but the result of what they are tying to do has definitive racial consequences, none of which I have ever seen explicitly addressed by these groups. In fact, this issue of "soft racism" may also extend to their condemnation of Wal-Mart's use of Chinese labor - of course, this argument is also jingoistic in the worst possible way. And, when last I checked, China was, like Cuba, a "worker's paradise." Yeah, the kind of worker's paradise that these activists would have us become! The movie condemns Wal-Mart for seeking, and getting, special tax breaks and helping to enroll some of its employees into social welfare programs. In other words, Wal-Mart is acting like a government social counseling agency. And, that's a bad thing??? It shows far more concern for their workers than I bet any other company does. After all, if a worker is eligible for state benefits, why is Wal-Mart evil for helping them to access these benefits? Instead, why aren't other companies condemned for failing to help their workers in this way? Of course, the critics of Wal-Mart want to use this example to protest the wages they pay. Nonsense. If this "problem" bothers you, then stand with me to oppose these wasteful and counter-productive social welfare programs. And, furthermore, stand with me to oppose local government special tax breaks for any company (which happens often even in blue-Flagstaff). There is more here, and it is equally specious - blaming Wal-Mart for crimes committed in their parking lots for example, or how a frustrated wilderness activist went to their local TV station to complain about poorly maintained bags of fertilizer stacked outside their Wal-Mart. Amazing - you can protest on TV and the executives at Wal-Mart will react to clean up their act! Who would have thought it? Well, anyone with half a brain would have - no firm can stay in business for long if it's reputation can't be sustained. And, nothing in this movie makes me think any differently with regard to Wal-Mart's reputation. Indeed, during the segment decrying Wal-Mart's environmental record, I was looking for someone from the Grand Canyon Trust to stand up and support the retail giant, which has just forked over a significant chunk of change to help the Trust buy and maintain the Kane Ranch, north of the Grand Canyon. You won't find any mention of Wal-Mart at the Grand Canyon Trust's site, but you will at the Wal-Mart site! I guess that makes the folks over at the GCT either parasites or hypocrites, or both. Wal-Mart started with one store in 1962, and pioneered a business model that has competed successfully against a myriad of other retail firms. They now have over 5,000 stores and employ some 1.6 million people. How hard is it to find disgruntled employees? Or, disgruntled former employees? Or, former managers? It can't be hard - not with a firm that is so huge. Are there problems? Of course there are. Nothing is perfect. Do some managers engage in illegal activity? Sure they do - and let's hope they get caught and pay the price. But, do you condemn an entire business because of the actions of a few? Why, that sounds like profiling! Add that to the list of what's wrong with these anticapitalist crybabies. So, let's give three cheers for Wal-Mart. I doubt that they will be able to sustain themselves for another generation, but I could be wrong. They boost the purchasing power of their consumers and show us the benefits of a robust capitalist economy, even if some blowhards despise their success and want to curtail our economic liberties. So, see the movie if you have some free time, although even if it's free, you're still probably getting ripped off. Or, if you have thirteen bucks you want to get rid of, you can buy the DVD at the website linked above - interestingly, it looks to me like they are pricing it below the typical price for a new release at Wal-Mart! Savvy!
----------------- * From a report issued by the state of Utah in 2003, the median family income on the Navajo reservation, in 1999, was about $15,300. Compare that to a median income for all U.S. households, in 2003, of about $44,500. |
Consider what the critics would have us do as regards Iraq - withdraw our troops and probably plunge that country into a prolonged and bloody conflict. It is even possible, given the not-so-secret involvement of Iran in fueling the current conflict, that a war between those two countries could be re-ignited. How will that make us any better off, much less safer? The Bush plan - to carve out a free and democratic state in the Arab world - would pay us such enormous dividends in promoting peace and stability in such a chaotic region, that I have come to believe that the members of the anti-war lobby are just insane for rejecting this. Some get up on their high horse and proudly thump on their chests that they are just as much a patriot as the next fellow, but we all know that isn't so - these people aren't patriots, they're parasites. They are entitled to their opinions, but they're still parasites.
Now, back to South Korea. There was a war that There are many possible scenarios that we can speculate on if we had lost that conflict. Perhaps the Chinese would have been emboldened to take over Taiwan. Perhaps an armed conflict could have erupted with Japan. But, let's pass on those and consider the one thing we know with certainty - the people of South Korea (some 50 million today) would have been subjected to the abysmal conditions that have racked the people of North Korea (including famine in a land of plenty) for the last half century, which will continue for who-know-how-many-more-years. Following the war, in 1953, South Korea didn't immediately transform itself into a fully functioning democracy - it took time. A long time. But, its citizens had rising standards of living and the political process did evolve, and improve, over time. South Korea is a success story in humanity. Knowing what we know, today, would anyone be willing to stand up and say that we were wrong to get involved in that war, and that the sacrifices made were made in vain? And, so why are there so many, especially in the Congress of the United States, so willing to stand up and make those statements about Iraq? Click on the photo, above, to visit the Korean War Veterans Memorial website. |
Hosts (and students) Jason and Linda Marie were well-informed, well-prepared and well-spoken. They have been on the air only three weeks, but have a good on-air rapport with one another and I hope they stick with this endeavor (called "American Ignorance" and airing Sunday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm - click on the K-Jack logo to go to the station's web site).
The editorial wasn't really just about Young's Farm; instead it was about development, the role of government and capitalism. I am not usually too impressed with the editorials in the paper, as I just can't fathom how they fail to draw broad-based lessons from their own market experience. But, this editorial did a lot to restore my faith that they can, and do, get the essentials - well, at least some of them. Before turning to what they got wrong, here are some selected quotes that cause me to offer my qualified salute:
That's pretty good stuff. Still, they they haven't totally turned away from the Dark Side. Some issues that they need to reconsider: 1. Some commodities, like water, "are so valuable that they are held in common." - Ouch! The problem with commonly held property is that, because nobody owns it, there is only a very weak incentive to preserve it. It is called the "tragedy of the commons" in economics. It is the reason that the Pilgrims were starving for years - the popular notion of the Pilgrims feasting and celebrating Thanksgiving is really just a celebration of their ability to throw off the shackles of common property and adopt an economic arrangement of private property. Water could be allocated in a market process, and we'd be better off if it was. 2. "Capitalism ... depends on constant growth to survive." Double ouch! I have never seen any such tenet applied to capitalism. Indeed, most of our study of economics is done in the framework called "comparative statics" whereby we look at the allocation process, based on private property (i.e., capitalism), when the resource base is fixed (i.e., not growing). Even in a pure exchange economy (where there is neither growth nor production; e.g. German POW camps during WWII) markets provide a superior allocative function than any alternative. I would argue an opposing view - we need capitalism if we are to reap the full benefits of growth. |
The day was cold to start with, and windy. We also had a bit of high cloudiness that made things grayish for most of the morning. Occasionally the sun would poke through and light up the plateau below us, or the cliffs of the north rim. The chill, and the wind, left us quickly, although it was cool all the way (6 miles) to Plateau Point, a wonderful viewpoint in the canyon, overlooking the Colorado River, and with a sweeping panorama of the north and south rims of the canyon. We ate lunch at this viewpoint and I learned something new I need to add to my pre-hike planning procedures. I did check to see that my companions had warm clothing and water and took it on faith that they did bring a lunch to eat. While Yu Shan brought along a rice dish, and other items to snack on, Zhang Huarong brought along a box of brownies. Not a box of prepared brownies - he brought along a box of brownie mix. I told him he needed to bake them first and pointed to the directions on the box. He opened the package up and, while rubbing the mix between his fingers, said, "Powder." It was quite a hoot, but he did have plenty of other things to eat. The trip back up went very well. The skies opened up and we had much better views. We left Indian Garden (4.5 miles from the top and the only spot with water and restroom facilities) between two mule trains and actually caught up to and passed the lead mule train. That seems unusual to me, but the wrangler leading that group was stopping quite frequently to rest the animals. We covered the 4.5 miles, and 3,120 feet in elevation, from Indian Garden in just two hours and ten minutes. Excellent pacing. We had spent some seven hours on our 12 mile hiking trip. Afterwards, we ate in the Bright Angel Coffee Shop and did a little shopping before returning to Flagstaff. When we got into town, at 6:30 p.m., it was dark and we were getting the beginning of a very light dusting of snow. |