July 5, 2006
Day 2006
- Well,
at least once a year we get to celebrate the concepts of liberty and
freedom! I only wish more people took it more seriously the rest
of the year. The annual parade in Flagstaff was well attended
(the local paper reported 15,000 plus). Politicians were
especially in force, including the governor, whom we also saw at the
pancake breakfast at the American Legion before the parade. The attorney
general was here and my wife challenged me to boo and hiss him.
There are good
reasons to do so, but I deferred. In general, the crowd
seemed non-partisan, giving only polite applause for the various
candidates that strolled by.
There were many participants that were vets, or otherwise honoring the
military. They all received enthusiastic responses from the
crowd. My impression was that the crowd, and the participants,
were more conservative than you might think from this bastion of
liberalism. It would be interesting to know if anyone has
surveyed this crowd for their general views. No groups were
outright protest groups in the parade. The local Friends of
Flagstaff's Future had a colorful contingent sporting umbrellas and
marching in choreographed steps, but I didn't spot a flag among any of
them. Hmm .......

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Spaces, Everywhere
- During the academic school year (is that redundant?), parking
on the campus of Northern Arizona University during peak hours is
tight. Many years ago, zonal parking was instituted - north,
central and south campus commuter lots, residential parking, employee
parking, and, more recently, a lot called "Park 'N
Stay." There is only one such lot, and it is in the
southwest corner of campus. It is behind a huge commuter
lot. It is not paved, but is covered in chunked-up asphalt, that
was rolled onto the surface in the summer of 2005. So, the lot
can get muddy and slippery under adverse weather conditions.
And, during the winter this lot isn't cleared of
snow in a very timely fashion.
The motivation
for this lot is "to
encourage utilization of alternate forms of transportation when on
Parking Regs; page 6]. Well, not always. After 4:30
p.m. on weekdays, and all day on weekends, anyone can park in the
commuter lots (even without a permit). So, effectively, this
encouragement only exists during regular business hours. And,
the upside is that the permit is cheap - only $48 for the next
calendar year, versus $162 for the regular employee permit. So
who uses this lot? I do. Why? Because my office, and
all the classes I teach, are in a building that is very close to this
lot. I've noticed that many of the employees in my building
also use this lot. That is, this lot is heavily used by those
who work nearby and aren't going anywhere else on campus! "Alternative
forms of transportation" be ... well, darned!
OK, so what is the issue here? Well, during the summer, the
parking lots are not congested. As you can see from the photo,
above, and the two photos below, the commuter lot is practically
deserted, while the Park 'N Stay lot is about half full. So, the
question here is, "Why does the Park N' Stay lot operate in the
summer?" I can think of no clear reason for this. In
fact, since we do get a lot of rain in July and August, its use during
this time promotes the degradation of this lot.
on either photo, below, to see a larger image. |
of the Park 'N Stay lot and the (mostly) vacant commuter lot. |
of the commuter lot - the Park 'N Stay lot is where the cars
in the background are parked. |
Well, despite my suspicion that the
rationale is just plain, old-fashioned, social engineering, I wrote
to the folks at our Parking Services and suggested a change in the
rules. The person that responded was not helpful, and, indeed,
did not seem to understand my point at all. Here are our
e-mail exchanges:
Foster, Dennis
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 4:50 PM
To: 'askparking@nau.edu'
Subject: Yellow lot - park & stay
currently have the yellow sticker for the Park & Stay lot
on the SW corner of the campus. During the year, the
regulations on this permit seem clear to me and fair as well:
-- We must park in only this lot Mon-Fri from 7:30 am until
4:30 pm.
-- We can park in any black (commuter) lot during weekday
evenings and on weekends.
so what about during the summer? Since the parking lots
are rarely even close to full, why not allow for use of these
yellow stickers to park in black (commuter lots) 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week? It doesn’t stress out the existing
parking, since these lots (as best I can tell) are not
congested, and it keeps vehicles out of that yellow lot when
the monsoons hits and entering/exiting vehicles noticeably
degrade the existing lot (because it isn’t paved).
Thanks for any reply someone would care to make.
From: *******
Sent: Mon 7/10/2006 2:45 PM
To: Dennis Foster
Subject: park-n-stay
Hi Dennis,
The rules and regulations for the park-n-stay pass do not
change, they
remain the same as when you purchased the permit. The
park-n-stay pass is
purchased at a reduced rate from the regular commuter permits.
restricts its use to only the parking lot P62B with use of the
lots after 4:30 even during summer, and holiday parking
regulations. I
apologize for any confusion and would be glad to answer any
other questions
you may have. Thank you.
Parking/Shuttle Services
Hi ******,
Thanks for your reply. I wasn't really confused
about the regulations, but I did think that imposing them
during the summer seemed inefficient.
Dennis Foster |
Well, there is hardly any point in trying to getting people in a
bureaucracy to recognize a problem (or, to recognize a better way of
doing things!) and do something about it. There is no reward to
individuals, nor to managers, from taking on new tasks - like revising
the parking regulations to allow Park 'N Stay permit holders to park
in the commuter lots during the summer. So, I do not expect
anything to every come of my complaint.
Also, consider
the issue of permit pricing.
I think NAU is typical of most
universities in this regard. We can buy a permit for the fall,
or for the spring, or for the summer, or for the full year.
But, we can't buy a permit only for the regular academic year - the
fall and the spring. [In fact, the spring permit is good for
the spring and the summer, so it isn't truly just a spring permit.]
Why is that? I really don't have a good answer for this one.
Since the university is a monopoly provider of parking on campus
(substitutes are, as a rule, rather expensive in time, energy,
effort, and risk), they should be able to price any combination of
parking choices. Granted, there is a monitoring cost
associated with these additional choices, but the additional
revenues generated should more than compensate for that.
One might argue that making the spring permit a spring/summer permit
allows for the school to justifiably charge more for that permit than
it does for the fall permit. Such seems to be the case for the
Park 'N Stay lot, as you can see from the chart to the right.
But, this is not true for regular student commuter permits, nor for
employee permits. And, in fact, the Park 'N Stay figure for the
spring may be an error (I got them from the NAU
web site), as these rates followed the same pattern as the other
rates during the last academic year.
The pricing issue is also interesting in that it well illustrates the
economic notion of price
discrimination. The one semester user pays about two-thirds
of the annual rate, when there is no clear cost differential. In
a free and competitive market, the semester rates would tend to be
closer to 50% of the annual rate. If permit holders could
transfer their permits (which the school doesn't allow), there would
likely be an active bidding down of this price and the university
would end up selling virtually none of the one semester permits.
It is interesting to note that, while people complain about Microsoft
being a monopoly (which it isn't) and about how gasoline prices are
arbitrarily set by producers (they aren't), they fail to recognize
monopoly pricing by the state, and the harm it does to consumers.
July 16, 2006
Ending Earmarks Express
- This past Wednesday, the Ending Earmarks Express rolled into
Flagstaff, as part of a campaign to stir up grassroots opposition to
this hideous form of government budgeting. An
"earmark" is a specific budget request that is slipped into
a bill, in Congress, that largely goes unnoticed before the bill is
voted on. The transportation bill, of last summer, was
especially egregious in this regard.
Tom Jenney, of the Arizona
Federation of Taxpayers, alerted me to this event, and was on hand
to introduce Tim Phillips, the president of the Americans
for Prosperity, who organized this effort (both pictured to the
left; click on the photo for a larger image). Phillips noted
that the number of earmarks has skyrocketed, totaling nearly 16,000
items this last year. Among them is a grant to study mariachi
music, which they planned to highlight at their next stop, in Las
Vegas, Nevada.
The Flagstaff stop was made to highlight $7.4 million that has gone to
transit funding. Phillips argued that whether these monies are
well-spent, or are poorly spent, is a moot question. The point
is that they were approved without consideration and open
debate. And that, he said, is a bad way to run the
government. Even worse than the lack of oversight and
accountability inherent in this process is the risk of out and out
corruption. Phillips cited the example of former Representative
Duke Cunningham, who has been sentenced to jail for taking bribes -
bribes that came from recipients of specially earmarked funds.
I can't say that there is much chance that this practice will come to
an end. Only one Representative - Arizona's Jeff Flake -
actually turned down the opportunity to earmark funds for his
district. He argued that the funds should just be sent to the
Arizona Department of Transportation, and they can decide how best to
use them. That means, 434 other Representatives did some
feasting at the pork barrel trough.
Quite frankly, there were only a few people attending this event that
weren't, in some way, shape or form, associated with this group, or
with the transit operation. So, it wasn't really much more than
a media event. Still, there was a decent write-up in the local
paper, and this topic was the subject of their editorial today - so,
the issue did get some attention. [There was also someone there
from the local TV station, but I forgot to watch!] I think that
two observations on this event are in order ...
Bus monies
really are a waste.
Phillips worked hard to avoid attacking
the use of these monies directly, instead attacking the methods
used. Maybe he was just trying to be civil. But, since
they made this stop to highlight this problem, I think he should
have taken up the issue more directly. These funds are wasted
because they represent a subsidy for capital purchases only and, so,
distort decision-making. That is, the feds will buy us buses,
but we must pay for the gas and the driver. So, what do we do
- buy 40 small buses and hire 40 drivers, or buy 5 big buses and
hire 5 drivers? We do the latter, because we have to pay for
the drivers. If the feds just gave us the money and told us to
spend it for capital and operations, we would have spent this money
different. Indeed, if the feds had just given the money to the
city government to spend as they see fit, it is unlikely that any of
it would have gone to transit.
Grand Canyon Greenway project is a better example of bad earmarks.
The transit funding wasn't a bad choice
for this group, and it might have been necessary in order to attract
attention. But, the $2.5 million allocated for the Grand
Canyon Greenway project definitely falls into the "egregious"
category. Although it sounds good, the trail would run from
the visitor's center to the nearby community of Tusayan, entirely in
the forest, with no views of the Grand Canyon. Now, that's
pork, plain and simple.
Editorial #14 - How
should federal funds for public works
projects and other purposes by appropriated?
Editorial #13 -
Should the Mountain Line bus service be expanded?
August 1, 2006
- The local paper ran a story about "buying local" put
out by the Christian Science Monitor, titled,
local may not always be best."
I thought it was an
excellent piece, because it actually treated globalism proponents as
serious and reasonable!! That's a far cry from how this issue is
usually treated. I was going to send a quick e-mail to the
editor commenting on what a good story it was. But, there
appeared a few disparaging letters over the last week and the editor,
in his weekly column, pooh-poohed these views as
"contrarian." Well, so much for an enlightened
press. So, while I thought to write a letter in response, it
wasn't until another pro-local letter appeared, written by Becky
Daggett, the Executive Director of the
of Flagstaff's Future, that I was motivated to respond . . .
To the
Kudos for running the article, “Buying local may not always
be best.” It was both well-balanced and a refreshing
change. It underscored a central feature to our high
standard of living – specialization. We don’t strive
for self-sufficiency, because that makes us poor. It’s
really just a matter of common sense.
Of course, common sense seems to be in short supply at the
so-called Friends of Flagstaff’s Future. Their
executive director writes that, “each dollar spent at a
locally owned business recirculates at least three times …
versus a dollar spent with a chain store, which departs
immediately to corporate headquarters.”
That is patently false. Of each dollar spent, both
stores have to pay their employees and have to pay for the
goods they sell. Their employees live here, while the
goods they sell likely come from outside Flagstaff. The
only difference is that the profit of the chain store is owned
by the stockholders, only some of whom live here, while the
profit of the locally-owned store goes entirely to its owner.
How big a difference is that? Well, over the last year,
Wal-Mart earned a 3.5% profit margin on its sales. So, a
net of less than 3.5 cents on each dollar spent at Wal-Mart
flows out of Flagstaff, as compared to some locally-owned
So, if you want to
buy local, please do so. If you want to feel smug and
superior about it, fine with me. Just don’t try
(again) to use the government to force me to have to shop with
Dennis Foster
Flagstaff, AZ |
There are
other issues here worthy of mention.
Ad hominem
attacks show weakness for "localism" argument.
Both Daggett and earlier letter writer, Ned Barnett, attacked the
globalism argument by attacking the people who were representing the
argument. This is known as the ad
hominem fallacy. Why attack the argument when you can
question the arguer? Daggett's criticism was especially
egregious in this regard by whining that a buy-local critic works for
the Hudson Institute, which is
funded, in part, by corporations like Wal-Mart. She writes that,
"This could be why Mr. Avery takes a dim view of supporting ...
locally owned businesses." Isn't it funny how these smug
social activists cannot fathom the notion that researchers at
conservative think tanks (like Hudson) actually believe in what they
What do we buy
Clearly, we are quite motivated to buy
goods and services that cost us as little as possible. Some
may get satisfaction from shopping at the local bookstore, versus
the Barnes and Noble, but what they are buying is a bundle of
services we can label as "ambiance." Generally speaking,
services are most likely to be provided locally, because it is
costly for us to travel elsewhere. Services like - lawyers,
doctors, financial planners, realtors, auto mechanics, insurance
agents, and so on. Most of these services are provided for by
locally-owned firms (perhaps sole proprietors) even if they are
associated with regional, and national, businesses. That is,
my MetLife agent owns his own business.
What is local?
Years ago, while serving a three
month stint as the public member of the editorial board for the
local paper, the Arizona Daily Sun, I was astounded that they
(editors, reporters) didn't understand the concept of a
locally-owned franchise. That is, they thought any national
chain business must be run by the corporation. I tried to
disabuse them of this notion, but I can't say that I was wholly
successful. I pointed out that the local Sizzler was owned by
a second, or third, generation Flagstaff resident. Conversely,
a downtown coffee shop was opened up by a couple that had just moved
to Flagstaff six months earlier from California. Which is
local and which isn't? In fact, the California couple pulled
up stakes the following year and moved on to Colorado.
Beware the lazy
social activist.
At the end of my letter, I reference the
use of government to curtail our choices. The background for
this was the decision by the city council, a couple of years ago, to
place size, and usage, limitations on retail businesses, expressly
to keep Wal-Mart from locating a Supercenter in Flagstaff.
There was a petition drive to place the matter on the ballot, and
voters overturned this decision. But, I don't think that will
satisfy these lazy social activists from trying to use government to
restrict our freedoms in the future.
related blogs:
Bashing - Critiquing
the anti Wal-Mart movie, "The High Cost of Low Price."
v. Foster - A comment on
a debate I had with a colleague about the anti Wal-Mart movie.
thought - A remark from another colleague of mine has lodged
permanently in my brain, and seems apropos for this piece:
should I care about the Mom and Pop store? Mom and Pop have been
ripping me off for years." |
August 18, 2006
River of Abuse
- A Colorado River runner was
this past June, and charged with obtaining permits by using the names
of dead people. This past week, he was
to 90 days in jail, 5 years of probation, fined $15,000 and prohibited
from entering any national park while on probation. Oh, yes, and
the guy is 61 years old.
If it wasn't such a travesty of a bureaucratic system run amok, it
would be funny. Well, except for the $15,000 fine. And,
what is the deal with prohibiting this guy, Stephen Savage, from
visiting national parks? That sounds like cruel and unusual
punishment to me. Indeed, it's downright vindictive.
In fact, it is worse. It is an example of what happens when you
look to government to "solve" problems that can be better
dealt with by the market. The issue is a simple one - how do you
keep the Colorado River, through the Grand Canyon, from becoming
overly congested? Well, up until the 1970s, there was no need,
because it wasn't really a problem. Now, it is. The demand
for trips has grown dramatically over the last 30 years. So, the
Park Service used to maintain a "wait list" and allocated
precious space on the river (probably too little) based on one's
seniority on the list. It appears that what Mr. Savage did was
pretend to be someone near the top of the list that had recently
died. Well, that's not the only way to scam the system. A
colleague of mine, who has taken a couple of "private" river
trips, found that the providers asked the customers (who do pay for
the service, even though it doesn't count as a "commercial"
trip) to add their names to the wait list so that the provider can
utilize that slot in the allocation process. Upon closer
inspection, Mr. Savage seems to have suffered from a lack of finesse.
This year, the Park Service decided to overhaul the river permitting
system, and it really has gone from bad to awful. There is, no
longer, a waiting list. Instead, there is a lottery
system. I expect that this will be scammed as well, although
there is a prohibition against anyone getting more than one trip per
year. As to the case of Mr. Savage,
Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Joseph Alston
issued a statement which read, in part,
"We hope this sentence serves as a deterrent for others that have tried to abuse the
Alas, it is not Mr. Savage that has abused the system, but, rather,
the Park Service that is guilty of a river of abuses in dealing with
this limited resource. To wit ...
Auction off
space on the Colorado River.
How do markets allocate scarce resources? They sell them off to
the highest bidder. Hey, it works! If you want to go, you
have to pay. If you can pay more than the next guy, then you get
to go. If you can't, then that's just the way it works. I
can hear the naysayers whine that "the poor will get left
out." Too bad. That's what being poor is all about -
fewer, and worse, choices. If you want to do something about it,
work hard to earn the income to acquire the lifestyle you want.
If you want to help poor people raft down the Colorado River, start a
charity and contribute your money to them. It really isn't that
hard, although it not the way of the lazy social activist.
And, everyone pays - commercial, private and
government (with their pretend research trips). If you want the
river relatively uncongested, buy extra permits and don't use
them. If you don't mind running the river with a lot of other
folks, you can probably get a good deal. And, if you only wanted
to go part way, you can probably get an even better deal.
Use the funds
raised for river-related improvements.
While the Park Service can certainly
absorb all these monies for wasteful projects, I would propose that
the funds be used to enhance the experience of the river runner.
Better restroom facilities. Better camping facilities.
Improved trail access to sites along the river.
Tasking the Park Service with regulating use along the Colorado River
is just an ongoing recipe for disaster. The resource will be
underutilized, unfairly allocated, and underfunded. It is the
curse of big government. |